Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte


Seeing the words: Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte you instantly think of those craving campaigns from Starbucks thats on offer this time of year. A beautiful cup in autumn colors and a fluffy cinnamon powdered creamy top.

vegan pumpkin spice latte

In the beginning I (Lisa) thought that it was pumpkin flavor on the latte but I later found out that it was not the case. In the United States they flavor their pumpkin recipes with a pumpkin spice mix. It usually consists of a large amount of cinnamon and smaller amounts of ginger, cloves and nutmeg (!).

vegan pumpkin spice latte

vegan pumpkin spice latte

vegan pumpkin spice latte

The smooth good taste, thats what we crave. So I tried myself to make my own version of the hot beverage that are both vegan, naturally sweeted with dates, and kind to the immune system.

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte

Author: lisaerik


  • 1 cup of Oat milk
  • 3 dates
  • 3 pinches cinnamon
  • 2 pinches of ginger
  • 1 pinch of cloves
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 tsp turmeric optional, anti-inflammatory
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper optional, anti-inflammatory
  • + Whipped Soy cream


  • Heat the milk in a saucepan and whisk the soy cream.
  • The deseed the dates and add them together with the spices with the milk in the saucepan. Mix with a hand blender.
  • Pour the mixture in a cup and top with whipped soy cream and cinnamon powder.



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