Meat eating increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, while soya bean has a protective effect against those same diseases plus it strengthens bones and lowers the bad cholesterol. But be sure to choose organic beans that are not GMO modified. We are also looking at vegetables in the whole, so it is super food for your body all of us that makes us feel more energized and healthier.
To wrap up, I would like to return to the two things that are essential for us to function. Firstly, we need a healthy and functioning body. Choosing the vegetarian food solutions is to take care of your body, not exposing it to food that damages it.
And second, we need a planet to live in. If we choose vegetarian, we can prevent a negative development for the environment on many levels, and instead get the planet to flourish once again.
Is there even any doubt? Choose vegetarian, for your body and the planet. I will.